Social Media Marketing Considerations for Businesses

Why Social Media?

Social Media has been an integral part of our daily lives, facilitating connections among people from different walks of life in a far more convenient, pleasant, and expedient way. An estimated 3.96 billion people worldwide use social media as of 2021, which is equivalent to 50.64% of the world’s total population.

Who wouldn’t want access to such a large audience?

Choosing a Platform

Selecting a social media platform is highly dependent on a brand’s objectives. Different forms of social media serve different purposes.

“So, I should just create and focus on one social media platform?” WRONG! Multiple networks not only allow a brand to set multiple marketing objectives, but also provide different forms of media to appeal to a higher variety of audiences!

Let’s take for example this Running Shoe Retail Company “Running Warehouse”.

Their YouTube page is used mainly for their content dissemination and product news.

Meanwhile, they integrate the benefits of social community and social commerce platforms through Facebook and Instagram by connecting with their audience on these platforms while also facilitating sales through the in-built shop links provided.

Value Creation

Now, what’s the point of selecting the perfect social media platforms if your content is subpar? This is where the concept of ‘Value Creation’ comes into play. Value Creation is the key idea behind customer growth, retention and overall business success!

Let’s use the example of Running Warehouse again. Remember the social media platforms they use? They create value through then implementation of value-based communications on these platforms. These platforms are used to communicate product information and benefits to customers.

On top of that, they provide worldwide ‘Straight-to-Doorstep’ shipping for their products, reducing the customers’ need for information sourcing and travel times. This reduces customers’ time and money expenditure while increasing the value Running Warehouse provides!


In this digital age, connecting with people has never been easier. Countless platforms are available for selection, ready to take businesses to the next level. The tools are there, but understanding how to use them is a whole different ball game altogether!

What are some other considerations that you think business should look into? Do share them in the comments!


  1. This is really a good point of view, enterprises in the use of these digital media platforms to do effective operation, can bring many aspects.

    1. Appreciate the feedback! More social media platforms definitely help to improve the potential reach of the company, as it caters to a wider audience!

  2. I honestly did not know that different social media platforms served different purposes! I really like how you provided an example using Running Warehouse. For me, I really like how there is a deeper connection by using Instagram, like conducting polls and asking for viewers opinions. Instagram has got to be my favourite platform in regards to searching up companies!

    1. Thanks for the feedback! Instagram does have a way in facilitating deeper connections between consumers and brands through several engagement tools, like those that you mentioned!


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